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2018-06-28 4743 6
德国女裁缝Agnes Richter(1844-1918)是19世纪90年代海德堡精神科诊所的病人。当她在政治避让时,她会将她的标准问题绣上,用文字、短语和德语的记录来缝合这个物体,这是一个古老的德国文字。这些收藏品包括5000多幅画、木制雕塑、草图和医院里病人的其他以艺术品为基础的蜉蝣,这些都是20世纪初精神病学家收集的。这些由精神病患者创作的大量作品对现代理解局外人艺术或自学成才的艺术家创作的艺术品产生了重大影响,这些艺术家与主流艺术世界几乎没有接触。一个多世纪过去了,这件夹克仍然是一件很有影响力的物品,它展示了一个女人如何将一件无菌的、没有人情味的衣服变成了她生命历程的丰富记录。

German seamstress Agnes Richter (1844–1918) was a patient at the Heidelberg Psychiatric Clinic during the 1890s. While held at the asylum she would densely embroider her standard issue straitjacket, stitching the object with words, phrases, and diaristic entries in deutsche schrift, an old German script. The layers of language make it difficult to distinguish a beginning or end to the writing, and only fragmented phrases have been deciphered from the jacket such as “I am not big,“I wish to read,and “I plunge headlong into disaster.”The object is a part of the Prinzhorn Collection at the University of Heidelberg Psychiatric Clinic, named after collector and psychiatrist Hans Prinzhorn. The collection contains over 5,000 paintings, wooden sculptures, sketches, and other art-based ephemera from patients at the hospital, collected by the psychiatrist during the early 20th-century. This vast collection of work made by psychiatric patients has had a major influence on a modern understanding of “outsider art,or the artwork created by self-taught artists who have had little to no contact with the mainstream art world.Over a century later, the jacket remains a powerful item, a lasting object that showcases how one woman transformed a sterile and impersonal garment into a rich record of her life’s journey. (via #WOMENSART)Update: Sources vary as to whether this article of clothing was Richter’s straitjacket, a regular jacket, or part of a non-restrictive institutional uniform.Left image via This Is Not Modern Art tumblr, right image via The Lulubirdvia The Lulubird