2011年,Tomiyasu Hayahisa开始在他位于德国莱比锡的宿舍楼对面的公共运动场拍摄乒乓球桌,拍摄名为TTP的系列。Tomiyasu在观察到一只栖息在桌子脚边的白尾狐狸后,第一次注意到了这个地方。在等了几天之后,他开始拍摄其他在户外游戏附近聚集或暂停的生命形式。这是一个观察乌克兰公园长椅日常生活超过十年的项目。TTP已经入围了2018年麦克第一图书奖的候选名单。

In 2011 Tomiyasu Hayahisa started photographing a ping pong table located in a public athletic field across from his dorm in Leipzig, Germany for a series titled TTP. Tomiyasu had first noted the location after observing a white tailed fox perched near the legs of the table, and after waiting several days for the animal to return, he began to photograph the other life forms that co
ngregated or paused near the outdoor game. Rather than spotting the fox, he captured families, partiers, and lo
nesome daydreamers using the area as a bench or bed.“At the time I had been living in a student doom in Leipzig and it was possible to photograph from window the table tennis table, how people from different countries use it in their way,Tomiyasu told Colossal. “And it could be the message of this work that the place could be everywher
e.”If you enjoyed this series, you might also enjoy Yevgeniy Kotenko‘s On the Bench, a project which observed the daily life of a park bench in Ukraine for over a decade. TTP has been shortlisted for the 2018 MACK First Book Award. You can see more of Tomiyasu‘s work on his website. (via This Isn’t Happiness)