
Ron Mueck, an Australian artist known for his hyperrealistic figural sculptures, has created his largest work to date. His installation Mass co
ntains 100 human skulls which are scattered and stacked throughout a gallery at the Natio
nal Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.The individual forms are created from fiberglass and resin, and when stood upright, rise to approximately three feet tall. In some areas of the installation piles reach five skulls in height, while in others visitors can approach individual works resting on the gallery’s floor. Placed amo
ngst gilded paintings the works offer a somber reality, a morose peek into what physically relates each of us.Mass opens December 15, 2017 as a part of the inaugural Natio
nal Gallery of Victoria Triennial. Mueck is one of 100 internatio
nal creatives that has co
ntributed work to the exhibition which will run through April 18, 2018. (via Designboom)