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2018-06-28 1199 0
在21世纪,艺术家布鲁斯·夏皮罗(Bruce Shapiro)在传统的禅宗沙园(Zen sand garden)上发明了锡西弗斯(Sisyphus)机器,这是一种精密的动力绘图机,利用磁铁将滚动的钢珠拖过一层薄薄的沙子,制造出复杂的曼达拉式图案。

In a 21st century take on the traditional Zen sand garden, artist Bruce Shapiro invented the Sisyphus Machine, an elaborate kinetic drawing machine that uses magnets to drag rolling steel marbles through a thin layer of sand to create complicated mandala-like patterns. Shapiro, who was once a practicing physician, has spent the better part of 25 years experimenting with computerized motion control and many of his Sisyphus Machines have been installed in locations around the world including a large device in Switzerland back in 2003 and at Questacon in Canberra, Australia in 2013. It appears the artist is currently working on a tabletop consumer version and if you’re interested you can sign up for his mailing list here. (via Core77, Fast Company)