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2018-06-29 2065 0
丽贝卡·路易斯·劳(Rebecca Louise Law)是伦敦的一名装置艺术家,她以使用成百上千朵悬挂的花朵来改造空间而闻名。他在英国纽卡斯尔大学接受了美术训练,在17年的时间里,他一直在研究自然材料,这是一种不断探索自然与人类关系的实践。在过去的几年里,她在许多公共场所、博物馆和画廊工作过,并受到爱马仕(Hermes)、卡地亚(Cartier)和古驰(Gucci)等品牌的委托。

Rebecca Louise Law is a London-based installation artist known for her transformation of spaces using hundreds or thousands of suspended flowers. Trained in fine art at Newcastle University in England, Law has been working with natural materials for 17 years, a practice that involves a constant exploration of relationships between nature and humans. Over the past few years she has worked in numerous public spaces, museums, and galleries, and has been commissioned by brands like Hermes, Cartier and Gucci.You can see more of her work over on Yellowtrace, and in her artwork gallery. (via Yellowtrace)