莱诺·拉戈在油画中描绘了写实的肖像和场景,并用明亮的色彩添加了一层抽象的感觉。他最近的系列作品《伪抽象》(Fake Abstract)是由古典风格的女性肖像组成的,大多被红色、粉色或蓝色的实心块所掩盖。一根细长的条子或歪歪扭扭的手指,让人联想起一根手指在雾气蒙蒙的窗户上划过的样子。拉戈描绘了一幅完整的肖像并用颜色覆盖它,以颜色作为底色,并将肖像添加到曲线所留下的空白画布中,都取决于观者的想象。这位艺术家还探索了将传统的欧洲室内装饰——餐厅、客厅和博物馆陈列馆——与无法解释的明亮色彩混合在一起,这些色彩似乎从门口和窗户倾泻到房间里。

Lino Lago paints realistic portraits and scenes in oil and adds a layer of abstracted intrigue using bright fields of color. His recent series, Fake Abstract, is comprised of classically-styled portraits of women, mostly obscured by solid blocks of red, pink, or blue. A thin sliver or squiggle, reminiscent of a finger dragged across a foggy window, reveals a peek at the figure beneath the color. It is up to the viewer’s imagination whether Lago paints a full portrait and covers it in color, or, uses the color as the ba
se and adds the portrait into the blank canvas left by the squiggle.The artist has also explored juxtapositions of traditio
nal European interiors—dining rooms, parlors, and museum galleries—with unexplained splashes of bright color that appear to explode into the rooms from doorways and windows.Lago, who is Spanish and resides in Spain and Lithuania, exhibits widely and has upcoming shows at Bredgade Kunsthandel in Copenhagen (April 12), Geraldine Banier in Paris (June 7th), Moret Art in Coruña, Spain (end of June), and Goodwin Fine Art in Denver (November). You can see more of Lago’s artwork on his website.