摄影师乔娜·乔马里(Joana choumalimalor)的摄影系列照片将会被翻译成“一切都会好起来的”,这是科特迪瓦人经常使用的一个短语,即使是在经历了严重的创伤事件后,他们也会不经意地安慰对方。在2016年3月巴萨姆大爆炸事件发生不到一个月后,乔马里启动了这个项目。当时,三名枪手在距她位于阿比让的家一小时车程的一个海滩度假胜地开枪。这一系列的照片都是在她的iPhone上拍摄的,看起来更像快照而不是肖像。乔马里在一份有关该系列的声明中说,她希望拍摄对象看上去自然,就像她在扫描这座城市一样。大多数照片都是人们独自一人,走在街上,或者只是站着,一个人坐着,沉浸在自己的思想中。乔马里解释说,她开始在印刷的画布上绣这些图像,以此来应对自己的悲伤。乔马里说:“这些色彩鲜艳的线索是她无法用语言表达的情感,也是她见证和承认大巴萨姆人被否认的创伤的一种方式。”在科特迪瓦,人们不会讨论他们的心理问题或感觉。

Photographer Joana Choumali‘s photographic series Ça va aller translates to “It’s going to be fine,a common phrase used by people in Côte d’Ivoire to casually reassure each other, even after a deeply traumatic event. Choumali started the project less than a mo
nth after the March 2016 Grand-Bassam terrorist attack, when three gunman opened fire at a beach resort an hour away from her home in Abidjan. The images in the series are all taken on her iPhone, and appear more like snapshots rather than portraits. She wanted the subjects to look natural, as if she was scanning the city.“Three weeks after the attacks, the atmosphere of the little town changed,said Choumali in a statement a
bout the series. “The sadness is everywher
e. A ‘saudade,’ some kind of melancholy. Most of the pictures show people by themselves, walking in the streets or just standing, sitting alone, lost in their thoughts. And empty places.”Choumali explains that she began embroidering the images on printed canvas as a way to cope with her own sadness. The meditative process has now become engrained in her daily practice as a way for the photographer to relax and concentrate. The brightly colored threads serve as the sentiments she cannot express verbally, and a way to witness and acknowledge the denied trauma of the Grand-Bassam people.“This work is a way to address the way Ivorian people deal with psychological suffering,said Choumali. “In Côte d’Ivoire, people don’t discuss their psychological issues, or feelings. A post-traumatic [shock] is co
nsidered as weakness or a mental disease. People don’t talk a
bout their feelings, and each co
nversation is quickly shortened by a resigned “Ça va aller.”Selec
t pieces from Ça va aller will be exhibited later this spring at the 1-54 Co
ntemporary African Art Fair in New York City. You can see more work from the Ivory Coast-ba
sed photographer on her website and Instagram. (via It’s Nice That and African Digital Art)