苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)是一种有着奇特名字的动物,比如高领海龟(turtle)、两只长着角的杜伯汉尼斯(Douberhannis)和半正常的绿冠小鹿。这些动物不是由seuss8217博士的狂热分子设计的著名的儿童读物,但都是基于他自己80多年前创作的作品,每一本书都是由塞斯博士收藏的一组鲜为人知的绘画、素描和雕塑组成的。这些特殊的雕塑是根据Theodor Seuss geisels(又名Dr. Seuss)收集的非正统标本制作而成的树脂模型。最初的作品利用了在斯普林菲尔德动物园死去的狮子、兔子和鹿的遗体,他的父亲是那里的一名导演。Geisel用这些耳朵、鹿角和贝壳制作了现实版的2D小说人物,并让他的妻子奥黛丽·盖泽尔(Audrey Geisel)等死后再向公众展示他的作品。奥黛丽忠于他的愿望,一直等到1997年,也就是他死后的六年,才开始着手雕塑。《如果我经营这家动物园》(If I run The Zoo)是一个巡回展览的一部分,展出的3D替身是已故艺术家苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss Estate)专门委托制作的。

Smiling goofily from their wooden mounts sit the imaginings of Dr. Seuss, animals with bizarre names like the Turtle-Necked Sea-Turtle, Two Horned Douberhannis, and Semi-Normal Green-Lidded Fawn. The beasts were not designed by fanatics of Dr. Seuss’ famous children’s books, but are ba
sed on works created by the man himself over 80 years ago, each originating from an obscure collection of paintings, drawings, and sculpture known as The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss Collection.These particular sculptures are resin casts adapted from Theodor Seuss Geisel’s (aka Dr. Seuss) Collection of Unorthodox Taxidermy. The original works utilized actual remains of lions, rabbits, and deer that died at the Springfield Zoo wher
e his father was a director. Geisel used these ears, antlers, and shells to form realistic copies of his 2D fictio
nal characters and asked his wife Audrey Geisel to wait until after this death to reveal his works to the public. Audrey stayed true to his wish and waited until 1997, six years after his death, to begin commissio
ning the sculptures.The 3D doppelgängers, part of a traveling exhibition titled If I Ran the Zoo, each bear a posthumously printed or engraved signature by the late artist, commissio
ned specifically by the Dr. Seuss Estate. The exhibition of 17 sculptures in their entirety along with rare paintings and drawings will be on view at LaMantia Gallery in Northport, New York from November 12-27, 2016. The exhibition is timed with the release of the Powerless Puffer, the final cast resin sculpture in the series. (via The Creators Project)