艺术家艾萨克·科达尔(Isaac Cordal)(先前)因在世界各地的公共场所创作和摆放微型水泥雕像而闻名,这是正在进行的名为“水泥日蚀”(cement Eclipses)的系列作品的一部分。虽然每一件小雕塑背后的意义都有意地含混不清,但要想看到每一件作品而不去想象一个故事是不可能的。这些作品经常出现在悲恸或绝望的场景中,这是科达尔说的对人性的评论,对自然的漠视,以及潜在的后果的预示。这些雕塑可以在水沟里、建筑物上、公共汽车候车亭上找到;在许多不寻常和不太可能的地方。

Artist Isaac Cordal (previously) is well-known for his creation and placement of miniature cement figures in public places around the world as part of an o
ngoing series called Cement Eclipses. While the meaning behind each tiny sculpture is intentio
nally ambiguous, it’s impossible to look at each piece without imagining a story. The pieces often appear in scenes of mourning or despair, as part of what Cordal says is commentary on humankind’s disregard for nature and as foreshadowing of potential consequences. From his artist statement:Isaac Cordal is sympathetic toward his little people and you can empathize with their situations, their leisure time, their waiting for buses and even their more tragic moments such as accidental death, suicide or family funerals. The sculptures can be found in gutters, on top of buildings, on top of bus shelters; in many unusual and unlikely places.These new skeletal works are part of a 2013 series he created in Chiapas, Mexico, and he also had work this summer at ArtScape 2014 in Sweden. You can see more over on Facebook. (via Supersonic)