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2018-07-06 1263 8
日本艺术家草间弥生(Yayoi Kusama)以色彩爆炸、光线矩阵和倾向于用一层耀眼的圆点覆盖她的许多作品而闻名。在她最具互动性的装置作品中,这位艺术家把她对点画的兴趣展现给了参观者。通过在墙壁、家具和地板上贴有色彩鲜艳的贴纸,邀请客人到一个封闭的家庭室内。在维多利亚三年展(Victoria Triennial)首届国家美术馆(National Gallery)的筹备工作中,这位艺术家将这一概念转变为一种花卉主题。在《迷恋花》(2017)一书中,客人们要求在他们选择的任何表面上都贴上人造的gerbera雏菊和花朵贴纸,在为期四个月的展览结束时,这些东西将被完全覆盖在这个人造公寓上。

Exhibition image of Yayoi Kusama’s Flower Obsession 2017 on display in NGV Triennial at NGV International 2017. Photo: Eugene HylandFamed Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama (previously) is known for her color explosions, light matrices, and proclivity towards covering many of her works in a dazzling layer of dots. In one of her most interactive installations, the artist hands her interest in dot making over to the visitor. The Obliteration Room invites guests to “obliteratea domestic interior by placing colorful stickers onto the walls, furniture, and floors.For her recent commission for the inaugural National Gallery of Victoria Triennial, the artist transformed this concept to include a flower motif. For Flower Obsession (2017) guests were given artificial gerbera daisies and flower stickers to place on any surface of their choosing, completely covering the faux-apartment by the end of the triennial’s four-month run. This floral theme taps into the beginning of the artist’s art-making, referencing a memory from her early childhood.“One day, after gazing at a pattern of red flowers on the tablecloth, I looked up to see that the ceiling, the windows, and the columns seemed to be plastered with the same red floral pattern,Kusama explains in a press release for the triennial. “I saw the entire room, my entire body, and the entire universe covered with red flowers, and in that instant my soul was obliterated … This was not an illusion but reality itself.”The NGV Triennial closed late last week. You can view more documentation from the inaugural exhibition, including this massive installation of hyperrealistic human skulls by Ron Mueck, on the National Gallery of Victoria’s website.Exhibition image of Yayoi Kusama’s Flower Obsession 2017 on display in NGV Triennial at NGV International 2017. Photo: Eugene HylandExhibition image of Yayoi Kusama’s Flower Obsession 2017 on display in NGV Triennial at NGV International 2017. Photo: Eugene HylandCrowds enjoy Yayoi Kusama’s Flower obsession 2017 on display at NGV Triennial 2017. Photo: Sam WongExhibition image of Yayoi Kusama’s Flower Obsession 2017 on display in NGV Triennial at NGV International 2017. Photo: Eugene HylandExhibition image of Yayoi Kusama’s Flower Obsession 2017 on display in NGV Triennial at NGV International 2017. Photo: Eugene HylandExhibition image of Yayoi Kusama’s Flower Obsession 2017 on display in NGV Triennial at NGV International 2017. Photo: Eugene Hyland