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Jannick Deslauriers用丝绸、铝网和薄纱建造的一辆全尺寸拆卸汽车

2018-07-04 2132 0
蒙特利尔的纺织艺术家Jannick Deslauriers用几码丝绸、铝网和薄纱缝成精致的、与真人大小的机器。她使用的每一种织物都是透明的。她最新的作品之一《句子》(Sentence)是一辆被毁汽车的全尺寸复制品。半透明的车辆向右倾斜,其破碎的外形通过柔软而容易操作的材料进一步放大。这尊雕塑目前正在蒙特利尔的穆尔艺术博物馆(Art Mur Montreal)举办艺术家个人展览,与那辆车同名。展览中还包括两个微型雕塑,描绘了一辆受损的模型火车和一段破损的电话线——它们的透明外观与附近车辆相似。

Montreal-based textile artist Jannick Deslauriers builds elaborate and often life-size pieces of machinery by sewing together yards of silk, aluminum mesh, and tulle. Each fabric she uses is transparent, which speaks to the hidden politics lurking behind commonly used objects and goods. One of her latest works, Sentence, souffle et linceul, is a full-scale replica of a demolished car. The translucent vehicle is slumped to the right, its broken form further exaggerated through a composition of soft and easily manipulated materials.The sculpture is currently displayed at Art Mûr Montreal for the artist’s solo exhibition, which shares the same name as the sewn automobile. Also included in the exhibition are two miniature sculptures which depict a damaged model train and a segment of broken telephone lines—their transparent appearance similar to that of the nearby vehicle. The exhibition runs through April 28, 2018. You can see more of Deslauriers’s work on her website.