艾伦·鲁宾(Allan Rubin)、弗里达·卡罗(Frida Kahlo)和迭戈·里维拉(Diego Rivera)(2017),所有的图片都是通过这位艺术家创作的。艾伦·鲁宾逊的系列佳能以其恰当的名字命名,它向我们展示了历史上许多著名的艺术家,他们都是由锡罐的组合而成的。这些作品都是按照艺术家的自画像风格来创作的,比如后印象派画家文森特·梵高(Vincent Van Gogh)或新古典主义画家安杰莉卡·考夫曼(Angelica Kauffmann)。作品的主体来自于在他狭小的工作室里进行小规模创作的渴望。罐头雕塑被证明是一个完美的解决方案,并为鲁宾提供了一个有趣的挑战,将平面图像转化为三维作品。这些年来,他学会了制作肖像的最佳方法,比如意识到番茄酱罐的形状非常适合头部。饼干罐有时能做出很好的torsos,豆罐头正好适合做手臂和脖子。沙丁鱼罐头可以做大手。盖子上有能很好地贴合耳朵的戒指,还变成了鼻子。

Allan Rubin, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera (2017), all images via the artist.Allan Rubin‘s aptly named series CANON presents a range of famous artists throughout history, all rendered from an amalgamation of tin cans. The works are each painted in the style of the artist’s self-portrait, such as a Post-Impressio
nist Vincent Van Gogh or Neoclassical Angelica Kauffmann.The body of work grew out of the painter’s desire to work on a smaller scale in his cramped studio. The can sculptures proved to be a perfect solution, and provided an intriguing challenge for Rubin to transform flat images into three-dimensio
nal works.Throughout the years he has learned the best formula to build his portraits, like realizing that the shape of tomato sauce cans are well suited for heads. “coo
kie tins sometimes make good torsos,” he told Hyperallergic. “Bean cans are just right for arms and necks. Sardine cans make great hands. Lids have rings embossed on them that work perfectly for ears, and also become noses that I have learned to bend, slot, and tab o
nto the faces.”Rubin’s solo exhibition CANON co
ntinues through May 5 at the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance in Narrowsburg, New York. You can see more of Rubin’s uncanny renderings on Facebook. (via Hyperallergic)Mary Cassatt (2017)Claude Mo
net (2018)Judith Leyster (2017)Uemura Shōen (2017)Vincent Van Gogh (2016)Angelica Kauffmann (2017)Suzanne Valadon (2017)Niki De Saint Phalle (2017)Edgar Degas (2017)Leo
nor Fini (2018)