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Dylan Martinez的玻璃雕塑完美地模仿了充满水的塑料袋

2018-07-02 2538 0
艺术家迪伦·马丁内斯(Dylan Martinez)将玻璃吹制和雕刻技术结合在一起,用熔融玻璃制成超写实的塑料袋。通过这些作品,马丁内斯创造了模糊观众对现实和幻觉的理解的场景。他对这一主题的好奇源于他生来就患有红绿色盲。这为马丁内斯提供了另一种观察方式,并鼓励他在他的玻璃吹制作品中对模糊的普遍看法的迷恋。有趣的是,我们的欲望常常凌驾于我们对现实的真实感知之上,你相信你认为可见的东西就是真理。接下来,他在顶部添加了一个吹起的气泡,然后在他开始手工雕刻每一个褶皱和皱纹之前,把气泡弄平。一旦完成,雕塑是放置在一个退火炉在950°F和允许冷却120小时。

Artist Dylan Martinez combines several glassblowing and sculpting techniques to form hyperrealistic plastic bags from molten glass. Through these works, Martinez creates scenarios that obscure the viewer’s interpretation of reality and illusion. His curiosity in this subject matter is sparked by the fact that he was born red-green colorblind. This has presented Martinez an alternative way of seeing, and encourages his fascination with obscuring common perception in his glass-blown works.“The trapped movement of the rising bubbles and the gesture of the forms convince the eye that the sculptures are just as they seem,says Martinez in his artist statement. “What is fascinating is that our desires often override our true perception of reality and you believe what you think is visible as the truth.”To begin, Martinez sculpts the solid glass or “waterthat appears within each bag. Next, he adds a blown bubble to the top which is then smoothed out before he begins to hand sculpt each fold and wrinkle. once complete, the sculpture is placed in an annealing oven at 950° F and allowed to cool for 120 hours.Martinez recently opened a glass studio in White Salmon, Washington near his home in Hood River, Oregon. He has an upcoming self-titled solo exhibition at Echt Gallery in Chicago which opens on July 13. You can view more of the artist’s glass-based sculptures on his website and Instagram.