西班牙雕塑家大卫·莫雷诺(David Moreno)(先前)继续用他的建筑艺术作品模糊了二维和三维之间的界限。莫雷诺的雕塑是用数百根钢棒和一段钢琴线制作而成的,它的雕塑呈建筑物的形状,而他最近的作品则大胆地走进室内,突出了门道和楼梯等室内细节。2017年,莫雷诺还在阿拉伯联合酋长国创作了一个大型沉浸式装置作品,名为“连接门”。

Spanish sculptor David Moreno (previously) co
ntinues to blur the lines between two and three dimensions with his architectural artworks. Created using hundreds of steel rods and lengths of piano wire, Moreno’s sculptures take the shape of buildings, and his more recent works have ventured indoors, highlighting interior details like doorways and staircases. In 2017, the artist also created a large, immersive installation in the United Arab Emirates titled “Co
nnecting Doors.” Moreno shares his work on Instagram and Behance.