摄影师鲁本·吴(Reuben Wu)最近拍摄了内华达SolarReserve,这是一个超过10,000面镜子的集合,在高峰季节,它为近75,000户家庭日夜供电。在夜幕降临时,吴彦祖拍摄了大量的反光板,让落日的灿烂色彩加倍地融入下面的光亮表面。吴昌俊把这个能源设施比作海洋,认为它是有史以来最伟大的陆地艺术设施之一。

sed photographer Reuben Wu (previously here and here) recently photographed the Nevada SolarReserve, a grouping over 10,000 mirrors which power nearly 75,000 homes both day and night during its peak season. Wu photographed the mass of reflective panels during nightfall, allowing the brilliant colors of the sunset to be doubled into the shining surfaces below. Wu likens the energy facility to a topographic ocean, co
nsidering it one of the greatest land art installations ever built.One of Wu’s previous series “Lux Noctisrecently won a grand prize in Photo District News’ The Great Outdoors Photo Contest. You can see more of Wu’s natural and manmade landscapes on his Instagram and Facebook.