计算机巨头惠普公司刚刚发布了新的标志。如果你没听说过,现在有两家惠普公司,现在我告诉你:去年公司分拆了。惠普企业(Hewlett-Packard Enterprise)专注于工业级服务器,他们的许多客户都和他们一样大,甚至比他们还大。他们去年发布了新logo,这和他们公司的名字一样富有想象力。没有错;传统观点认为,大企业的世界倾向于更“舒适”的品牌。“惠普”通常被称为“惠普”,主要针对个人消费者。由于“前卫”、更时尚的品牌倾向于在这个市场上表现得更好,惠普最终选择开始使用过去几年一直放在抽屉后面的极简主义标识。几年前,作为与惠普长期合作的一部分,该标志是由移动品牌设计的。定义签名的新标识是13°角。13°代表惠普的精神作为一个公司,独创性和对未来的乐观和对人类进步的信念。

Hewlett-Packard, that giant of computing, has just released its new logo. Um… again. Well, not really again. Sigh.If you haven’t heard, there’s two Hewlett-Packard’s now, okay? Now, I’d really like to tell you that this is because of alternate time-lines crashing into each other, or because HP is going through its very own Spider-Clone Saga. The truth is much less entertaining, but has better co
ntinuity than the average comic book: the company split up last year.The two Hewlett-Packards separated to focus on different demographics. Hewlett-Packard Enterprise is, as you might guess, focused on industrial-grade servers, and their many of their clients are as big as, or bigger than they are. They released their new logo last year, and it’s as imaginative as their company name. Nothing wrong with that; co
nventional wisdom says that the world of big business tends to like more “comfortable” branding.The company more commo
nly and colloquially known as “HP” is focused on individual consumers. Since “edgier”, more stylised branding tends to go over better in this market, HP has finally chosen to begin using the superbly minimal logo that it’s had knocking around in the back of a drawer for the last few years.The logo itself was designed by Moving Brands as part of a long-term collaboration with HP, some years ago. It seems that since they no lo
nger have to advertise to two markets at once, HP decided that this logo’s time has come—at least on some of its higher-end products.The defining signature of the [new logo] is the 13° angle. 13° represents HP’s spirit as a company, driven forward by ingenuity and optimism a
bout the future and a belief in human progress. — Moving BrandsPersonally, I find myself feeling conflicted. I feel like o
nly a company with HP’s existing brand recognition could get away with sticking this logo on their devices. If I knew nothing a
bout them, I’m not sure I’d actually see the letters “H” and “P” at first glance.That said, it’s really pretty, and they are well-known enough to pull it off. Were I in the market for a new laptop, I would not be ashamed to have this logo emblazo
ned on the back of my machine.