艺术家克里斯·福克斯(Chris Fox)拍摄的照片,要求重新利用1931年首次安装在sydney的两对木制自动扶梯。自动扶梯承载了80多年的乘客,并逐渐成为城市标识的标志。他的解决方案是“环路”,一种扭曲的、手风琴式的丝带,现在悬挂在车站的天花板上,用一种超凡脱俗的设计将244个木制扶梯踏板拼接在一起。福克斯说,Interloop的目的是永久地将自动扶梯的运动铭记于心,同时也提醒乘客在乘坐电梯时保持静止不动。这是对车站进行重大改造的最后一步,改造后的车站现在有了新的电梯和自动扶梯,还有一个更大的广场,以及改善了通风系统。

Photos by Josh Raymond / Chris CoxArtist Chris Fox was tasked with repurposing two pairs of timber escalators that were first installed at Sydney’s Wynyard Station in 1931. The escalators have carried passengers for over 80 years and slowly became an ico
nic symbol of the city’s identity. Fox’s solution is Interloop, a twisting, accordion-like ribbon that is now suspended from the station ceiling, stitching together 244 wooden escalator treads in an otherworldly design.Fox says Interloop is intended to permanently enshrine the motion of the escalators while also communicating that passengers remain statio
nary while riding them. The piece is the final step in a significant overhaul of the station that now features new elevators and escalators, a larger concourse, and improvements to ventilation and ticketing.You can read more a
bout Interloop and the history of Wynyard Station in the Sydney Morning Herald, and see more photos and behind-the-scenes process shots on Chris Fox’s website. (thnx, Evan!)