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2018-07-11 1575 0
意大利艺术家曼纽尔·德·丽塔(Manuel de Rita a.k.a. Peeta)通过绘制彩色立方体和抽象的圆柱形来改变静态结构,使它们看起来像是漂浮在墙壁表面之上,这种技术是来源于传统的3D字体。传统的字体和三维风格的融合赋予了生命一种独特的视觉节奏。

Italian artist Manuel de Rita a.k.a. Peeta (previously) transforms static structures by painting colorful cubes and abstracted cylindrical shapes to appear as if they are floating above the surface of the wall. This technique was derived from the traditional 3D lettering he grew up painting, and continues to evolve as he experiments with realistic objects, like the window that protrudes from the turquoise and purple work below.“Initially, my works only realized the sculptural quality of individual letters, namely the ones that spelled out my own moniker Peeta,he says in an artist statement. “Progressively, the fusion between traditional lettering and three dimensional style has given life to a unique kind of visual rhythm. Today, through my anamorphic works I redesign the volumes of any kind of surface involved, thus causing with my paintings a temporary interruption of normality by altering the perception of familiar contexts, and so raising a different understanding of spaces and, consequently, of reality as a whole.”These large-scale explorations of multiple dimensions and eye-boggling optics have been painted globally, including Guangzhou, China; Barcelona, Spain; Mirano, Italy, and more. Recently the artist wrapped up an artist residency at Jardin Orange in Shenzhen, China. You can see more of Peeta’s work, including his paintings on canvas and sculptural objects, on his website and Instagram. (via Cross Connect Magazine)