由巴西的平面设计师Vinicius Araujo设计,我们可以用电子产品来探索新的字母,比如苹果、Beats、任天堂等等。Vinicius Araujo是巴西里约热内卢的一名平面设计师。我们在ABDZ之前通过他的墙纸展示了Vinicius的惊人作品。

We have seen many alphabet co
ncepts from minimal, illustrative and more. The one when we are featuring today is such a creative take on our everyday electronics. Designed by Brazil-ba
sed graphic designer Vinicius Araújo, we get to explore a new alphabet with electro
nics like a Apple, Beats, Nintendo and a lot more. Check out the full project on Behance.Vinicius Araújo is a graphic designer ba
sed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We have featured the stunning work of Vinicius before on ABDZ through his wallpapers. Check out his Behance for more of his work.More l
inksLearn more a
bout Vinicius Araújo via BehanceGraphic & Industrial Design graphic design cgi 3d alphabet