《手工》是丹·斯德哥尔摩(Dan Stockholm)的几幅作品之一,通过捕捉作品中的表演动作来探索制作物品的过程。在这个特别的装置中,斯德哥尔摩将他的杯形双手的石膏模型放在一系列的红土砖中,这些红土砖的显露程度各不相同。有些物品可以展示双手,而有些物品只能暗示手指或手掌。在2013年的一场演出中,他的双手模仿了斯德哥尔摩的姿势,在他死后,他触碰了他父亲的每一寸房子。

By Hand is one of several pieces by Dan Stockholm that explores the process of making an object by capturing its performative actions within the work. For this particular installation Stockholm placed negative plaster casts of his cupped hands into a series of red clay bricks that vary in how much they reveal. Some objects showcase both hands, while others o
nly hint to a sliver of a finger or palm.The positions of the cupped hands mimic gestures Stockholm made during a 2013 performance in which he touched every inch of his father’s house after his death. The intimate moments now embody their own structure, the abstract shape of his father’s home reincarnated through gesture.The work was exhibited at Künstlerhaus Bethanien last spring for his solo exhibition HOUSE. You can view more of Stockholm’s sculptural works on his website.