追求一致性和简洁性的英特尔,Red Peak品牌和Dalton Maag制造了Intel Clear。这种新型的专有类型不仅适用于所有的全球写作系统——包括拉丁文、希腊文和中文——而且还涵盖了所有的媒介,如印刷、智能手机和平板电脑。字体是放松的,开放的和可接近的,可能是因为文字相对柔软。道尔顿·马格(Dalton Maag)表示:如果你观察小写字母a的终止方式,你会发现笔画底部有一个不错的特征,有点像书法用笔。我们希望角色具有人性化、友好的品质。这是英特尔在其45年历史上的第一次字体革新,并与更广泛的趋势相契合,公司放弃了20世纪的几何字体,转而青睐更现代的书法。

In Intel’s quest for uniformity and simplicity, Red Peak Branding and Dalton Maag have produced Intel Clear. This new proprietary type family not o
nly works across all global writing systems—including Latin, Greek and Chinese—but it also spans all mediums, such as print, smartpho
nes and tablets.The font is relaxed, open and approachable, due in part to the relative softness of the lettering. According to Dalton Maag:If you look at the way the lowercase ‘a’ terminates, there’s a nice feature in the bottom of the stroke, a little like calligraphy pen lettering. We wanted the characters to have a human, friendly quality.This is Intel’s first font renovation in its 45-year history and is inline with the wider trend of corporations abando
ning twentieth century geometric typefaces in favor of a more co
ntemporary calligraphic influence.