书店正在关闭,报纸在折叠,杂志在网上争相出版。印刷媒体的库存似乎在下降,但两位日本设计师正在挑战这一过程,并推出了最新的系列产品。佐藤正彦(Masahiko Sato)和Tatsuya他们的插图让旁观者在成品中有了一只手。这个想法很简单,如果没有观众的互动,插图就显得不完整。一旦你把手指放在合适的位置,这些插图呈现出新的紧张和动态。互动是由观众的触觉完成的,这是一种独特的印刷方法。

Bookstores are closing, newspapers are folding and magazines are rushing to publish online. The stock of print media seems to be falling, but two Japanese designers are challenging that process with a newly released collection.Masahiko Sato and Tatsuya Saito’s exhibit, “Putting Finger,” examines how viewers needn’t be passive bystanders wher
e print is concerned; instead, their illustrations allow the o
nlooker to have a hand, quite literally, in the finished product.The idea is simple, the illustrations don’t appear to be complete without the viewer’s interaction. o
nce you place your fingers on the appropriate ‘hit areas’ the illustrations take on new tensions and dynamics. The interaction is completed by the touch of the viewer; quite a unique approach to print.The series is on display at the DDD Gallery in Japan until April 26, 2014.