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2018-07-19 2046 11
在新的标志和自定义字体之后,奥运品牌团队完成了有史以来最详尽的奥运象形图收藏。伦敦的Dalton Maag公司为2016年里约热内卢奥运会设计的字体,花了16个月的时间制作了总共64个象形文字,41个代表奥林匹克运动,23个代表残奥会运动。在此期间,有整整五个月的时间被42个国际联合会用来验证象形文字。里约热内卢2016断言,这可能是世界上最复杂的设计项目之一。2016年里约热内卢的28名员工也直接参与了象形图的开发。里约热内卢2016年总裁卡洛斯·努兹曼说,这是第一次为每一项奥运会和残奥会创造一个个人象形文字,这是我们对奥运会历史做出的独特贡献之一。我向创意团队表示祝贺,感谢他们的奉献和辛勤工作,以及为此次发布会做出贡献的不同团队。

On the celebrated heels of its new logo and custom typeface, the Olympic brand team has just completed the most exhaustive collection of Olympic pictograms ever created in the history the event.Taking their cue from the typeface designed for the Rio 2016 Olympics by London-based studio, Dalton Maag, the team worked for 16 months to produce a total of 64 pictograms, 41 for Olympic sports and 23 for Paralympic sports. A solid five months of that period was dedicated to validation of the pictograms by the 42 International Federations.Rio 2016 asserts that this is probably one of the world’s most complex design projects. It certainly could be the most well staffed: in addition to the designers brought in to create the games’ main graphic elements, a group of 28 other Rio 2016 staff were directly involved in the development of the pictograms.Creating an individual pictogram for each of the Olympic and Paralympic sports is a first, says Rio 2016 President, Carlos Nuzman, and added, “This is one of our unique contributions to the history of the Games. I congratulate the creative team for their dedication and hard work together with diverse groups who contributed to this launch.”What we see here are the designs that were considered the best of the team’s proposed ideas.Rio 2016’s Brand Director, Beth Lula, talked about how flexible these icons will need to be. “From now until 2016, the pictograms will serve as a communication platform for the promotion of the sports, for partner activations, and will be present in all the games’ visual identity.” Expect to see them on everything from Olympics web pages and shop stands to signposts and t-shirts.What do you think of Rio 2016’s new sports icons? How consistent are groups of designers compared to individuals? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.