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2018-07-20 1478 7
面部毛发(或缺少毛发)可以很好地说明一个男人。一天的邋遢可能意味着前天晚上的晚场,两周的成长可能表明他正在引导他内心的伐木工人。现在有一个指南,它超越了单纯的直觉,从字面上阐明它。德国设计师克里斯蒂安·戈德曼(Christian Goldemann)设计了字体设计《胡须指南》(Typography Beard Guide),该指南将字体与佩戴者的“胡须兄弟”巧妙地搭配在一起。以25种著名的胡须造型为蓝本,这位来自斯图加特的创意设计师的幽默表现在很大程度上取决于金钱。《羊排》(Mutton排骨)和《古玩》(Book argua)肯定有相似之处,而《下巴窗帘》(Chin Curtain)和罗克韦尔(Rockwell)可能在出生时就被分开了。看看你的想法吧——这可能不是一门精确的科学,但却充满了乐趣。哪一种字体最像你的胡须?字体可以与女士的发型一致吗?在评论中告诉我们你的想法。

Facial hair (or lack thereof) can say a lot about a man. A day’s worth of scruff could mean a late night out the day before, and two weeks of growth likely indicates he’s channeling his inner lumberjack.Now there’s a guide that goes beyond mere intuition and literally spells it out. German designer Christian Goldemann has created the Typography Beard Guide, which expertly matches typefaces with the wearer’s “beard brother”. Taking 25 renderings of famous beard styles, the Stuttgart-based creative’s humorous presentation is, for the most part, right on the money. “Mutton Chops” and Book Antiqua definitely share a resemblance, while the “Chin Curtain” and Rockwell just might have been separated at birth.Take a peek and see what you think – it might not be an exact science, but it’s a lot of prickly fun.Which typeface most closely resembles your facial hair? Can fonts be aligned to women’s hairstyles? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.