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2018-07-25 1670 0
今天,荷兰设计工作室的设计师们用一种非常特殊的墨鱼墨汁印刷了一本书。这本名为《钓墨迹》(Naar Inkt Vissen,英文翻译为“钓墨迹”)的书共有48页,里面都是由Menno Smit和Edwin de Voigt写的水手故事。为了增加更多的航海技巧,这本书的700本屏幕印刷本采用了日本的稳定装订技术,用钓鱼线装订。这已经不是今天的设计师第一次深入到印刷的陌生领域了。2012年,他们制作了《火山书》(Het Vulkanen Boek),这本书是用一种用冰岛火山的火山灰制成的特殊墨水印出来的。700本书的印刷需要多少墨汁?据《今日设计师》报道,这一任务仅用了1.5升墨水就完成了,该工作室从荷兰海岸小镇舍韦宁根的一场鱼类拍卖中获得了这些墨水。然而,尽管这本鱼故事书可能是独一无二的,设计师们向荷兰杂志《de zeen》透露了这本书唯一的缺点:闻起来发臭。我们在这里谈论的是一种刺鼻的鱼腥味,它是由印刷书的墨汁引起的。虽然鱼腥味只会增强这本书的海洋主题,但它可能并不是大多数人想要放在咖啡桌上的东西。你觉得用乌贼墨汁印刷怎么样?你会买这本书吗。

Dutch design studio Today Designers has printed a book using a very special kind of ink—squid ink.The book, entitled Naar Inkt Vissen (which translates to “Fishing For Ink” in English), contains 48 pages full of sailor stories written by Menno Smit and Edwin de Voigt. In order to add even more nautical flair, the 700 screen printed copies of the book were bound with fishing wire using a Japanese stab-binding technique.This is not the first time that Today Designers have delved into the stranger side of printing. In 2012, they produced Het Vulkanen Boek, or “The Volcano Book”, which was printed with a special ink developed using ash from an Icelandic volcano.How much squid ink does the printing of 700 books require? According to Today Designers, this task was accomplished using only one and a half liters of ink, which the studio sourced from a fish auction in Scheveningen, a town on the Dutch coast.However, as unique as this book of fish tales may be, you might not want to own a copy; the designers spoke to Dutch magazine de zeen about the book’s only flaw:It smells, stinks and reeks. We are talking about a penetrating fishy smell here, caused by the squid ink with which the book is printed.Though the fishy smell only enhances this particular book’s specific oceanic theme, it’s probably not something most people will want to keep on their coffee table.What do you think of printing with squid ink? Would you buy this book even though it “reeks” of fish? Let us know in the comments. Featured image/thumbnail, ink in water image via Shutterstock.