
We all love a good satire. It’s one of the highest forms of political wit and frequently bites at targets that would otherwise be unassailable.Case in point: Maentis’ Universal Unbranding project, an amusing reworking of famous logos and emblems.Of course, it’s pretty hard to find a satirical logo collection that doesn’t feature an obese McDonald’s logo, but Maentis has included some slightly more sophisticated political comment too: the Rolling Stones’ North Korean tour referencing freedom of speech; the disintegration of the € and the Red Bison are also very good.Gillette may need to adopt Maentis’ variation on their logo if they keep adding blades to their razors, and I’m sure the Windows logo will be familiar to users of Microsoft’s operating system.We were hoping to put together the LOGÖ to discover who it referenced, but there was a screw missing.Which of these parodies is your favourite? Which brands are crying out to be satirised? Let us know in the comments.