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2018-07-30 1839 0
作为设计师,我们似乎已经失去了勇气,推出了同样的品牌,推出了相同的解决方案。也许是网络上缺乏控制。也许这是对国际前景日益增长的需要,以及Helvetica所提供的相应的安全保障。也许设计师们从客户那里得到的尊重越来越少,他们的侄子/表弟/邻居/丈夫认为Arial是她新网站最好的字体。时不时地提醒自己,为什么上世纪30年代如此迷人,为什么上世纪60年代是广告业的全盛时期,以及为什么美国人总是牵动心弦。如果你在寻找灵感,逃避现代设计的贫瘠,或者只是想沐浴在过去轻松凉爽的阳光中,看看乔纳森·劳伦斯(Jonathan Lawrence)的设计吧。这是一种消磨午餐时间的完美方式。以下是我最喜欢的几个例子:你最喜欢这些字母的哪个?你认为现代设计也一样多样化吗?请在评论中告诉我们。

As designers we seem to have lost our courage, churning out identical brand ‘solutions’, posting Dribbble shots of the same regurgitated formula.Perhaps it’s the lack of control on the web. Perhaps it’s the increasing need for an international outlook, and the consequential safety offered by Helvetica. Perhaps it’s the diminishing respect designers receive from clients whose nephew/cousin/neighbour/husband thinks that Arial is the best font for her new site.once in a while it’s great to remind ourselves just exactly why the 1930s were so glamorous, why the 1960s were the heyday of advertising, and just why americana tugs at the heartstrings like nothing else.If you’re looking for inspiration, to escape the sterility of contemporary design, or are just looking to bathe your eyes in the effortless cool of yesteryear, check out the Tumblr blob typehunting.com by Jonathan Lawrence. A collection of old school lettering, logos and signs, it’s the perfect way to while away a lunch hour.Here are some of my favorites:Which of these lettering examples is your favorite? Do you think modern designs are as diverse? Let us know in the comments.