在大学时代,我在工业设计课程中学到的最重要的一件事就是热爱这个过程。如果你喜欢这个过程,你会更有动力,更愿意重复,回到开始。下面是由来自乌拉圭蒙特维多的平面设计师Fernando Diaz设计的Innosoft的视觉形象,他的专业领域包括:身份设计、排版设计、编辑设计、网页设计。Innosoft(创新型软件)是一家为初创企业(研究、创新开发和开发)提供整合服务的新组织。

One of the most im
portant things I learned back in my college times during my industrial design course was to love the process. If you love the process you will be more motivated and willing to iterate, to go back to the beginning. The end result will be a co
nsequence of the iterations and as we know, good design is all a
bout iterations. That's the main reason we post a lot of case studies, tutorials and brand identity constructions.Today we feature the visual identity of Innosoft designed by Fernando Diaz, a Graphic Designer ba
sed in Montevideo, Uruguay specialized in: Identity Design, Typographic Design, Editorial Design, Web Design & Development.Innosoft (Innovative Software) is a new organization that provides integral services for Start-Ups (Research, Innovative Develompment & Incubation). It was a pleasure working with the client for this job, they were very demanding pushing me to create the best identity we could, working as a team.Brief / Ideas Building ProcessFinal Corporate Identity inspiration branding logo visual identity case study