
Let's take a look at this colourful industrial design by Soo Mok of a really kid-friendly design of a camera for kids by Disney. The idea/co
ncept behind this design is quite fitted for kids as I quote:"The Dream Camera aims to make kids’ get-a-way in Disneyland more ideal." It's a really cute MOD design wher
e I can see kids using and looks pretty solid, wouldn't be worried if it would fell on the floor. What strikes me the most is the different colour scheme that would represent some of your favourite characters! Which is your favourite?Published on Behance, we are following the work of Soo Mok who is an industrial designer ba
sed in Seoul, Korea. It's nice to see Soo getting out of his comfort zone from his latest designs, definitely worth checking out his work.According to the veteran photographer, David Hurn, photography is a perfect tool for overcoming shyness.In this sense, if some kids feel shy or even afraid of uncomfortable circumstances, e.g., co
nfronting characters, a camera could be a highly useful icebreaking tool to overcome barriers in their mind by letting children taking pictures. There is no need to pose Then when you come home they will still have a picture to remember meeting the characters but don’t have to pose for a photograph. industrial design product design design