我无意中发现本田公司正在研制一种新型的自动平衡摩托车,它很酷。看到这款自行车让我想要了解这类概念的工业设计工作背后的过程。我发现了这款外观惊人的摩托车概念车。通过Behance出版社出版的这幅作品来自Artem Smirnov和Vladimir Panchenko,他们都住在乌克兰的哈尔科夫。在汽车设计、工业设计和工程领域独领风骚,你会惊讶于他们团队合作和个人合作的不同项目。日本的设计方法一直是原创的,以其折纸艺术和武士精神的文化基础。简约与空间感,是今天公认的日本品牌工业设计。但由于某种原因,这种方法现在很少用于日本汽车和摩托车的设计。

I stumbled across what Ho
nda was working on a new self-balancing motorcycle, it was pretty cool. Seeing this bike got me wanting to surf on the process behind the industrial design work of such concepts. I’ve found this stunning-looking motorcycle co
ncept by Artem Smirnov and Vladimir Panchenko. Their co
ncept is a
bout their passion a
bout the Japanese approach to design and it’s quite lovely what they have done.Published via Behance , this is the work from Artem Smirnov and Vladimir Panchenko who are ba
sed in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Ruling themselves in automotive design, insdustrial design and engineering, you will amazed by the different variety of projects they have worked in team and individually.The Japanese approach to design has always been original, which is the foundation of culture with its art of origami and the samurai spirit. The simplicity and sense of space, and today are recognized in the industrial design of the Japanese brands. But for some reason, this approach is now rarely used in the design of Japanese cars and motorcycles. It felt the impact of the European brands that impose their rules of the game, when an inexperienced user can not tell the Japanese product from the European. It's time to go back to the roots and make Japan great again! CreditsArtem SmirnovVladimir Panchenko industrial design automotive design design