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由Aldo Pulella设计的Stellar Design Works

2018-08-30 1576 0
来自南非的设计师奥尔多·普雷拉(Aldo Pulella)设计出了一些非常坚固的作品,现在是时候与大家分享了。他的风格非常棒,融合了摄影与3D建模等等。这些只是他工作的几个例子。

Aldo Pulella, a South-African designer, has come up with some pretty solid design pieces and it's time to share them with you. His style is pretty awesome, mixing photography with 3D modeling and more.These are only a few examples of his work. For more of his pieces, please visit his portfolio at Behance. He'll definitely appreciate it. Cheers! ;) design photo manipulation photoshop