Pawel Nolbert aka Hello(彩色)是一位非常知名的插画家和视觉艺术家,总部设在波兰华沙。作为一个永远的运动鞋爱好者,他决定用他的热情,创造这个了不起的项目,那就是运动鞋立方体,他把他最喜欢的运动鞋变成立方体。Sneakercube是一个正在进行的设计项目,把运动鞋变成立方体。Sneakercube是为鞋的设计和欣赏而创建的简约美学。

Pawel Nolbert aka Hello(color) is a very well know illustrator and visual artist ba
sed in Warsaw, Poland. Being an all time sneaker lover he decided to mix his passions and create this awesome project that is Sneakercube wher
e he transform his favorite sneakers into cubes. Check it out!Sneakercube is an o
ngoing design project, wher
e sneakers become cubes."Simply, I take sneakers that I love & transform it into cubes. Sneakers that are on my wishlist, or that I own. Sneakercube was created for appreciation of footwear design & minimalistic aesthetics."For more from Pawel visit & more a
bout Sneakercube Project visit sneakercube.comProcess sneaker illustration design cube