你的办公桌是整齐有序的还是乱七八糟的?市场上大多数的办公桌旁的摆设要么是丑陋的,要么是设计拙劣的,要么是做工低劣的。好了,我们的好朋友杰夫·谢尔登要介绍下《Ugmonk》。一个最小的,模块化的组织者,减少混乱,这是惊人的。我们一直是Ugmonk的粉丝,我们一直钦佩他的前卫创业精神。这一次,这是一个美丽和有用的产品设计。在《集结号》背后,我们有一名Ugmonk,也叫Jeff Sheldon,是品牌背后的代言人。美国唐宁顿的一名设计师,过去7年来一直在创造产品、时刻和故事。GIF为什么要集合?(在杰夫的话说)杂乱。你不想去想它,但它总是会随着时间的推移而悄然而至,当你真正需要它的时候,你就不可能找到它了。作为一名设计师,我每天大部分时间都在办公桌前工作,一遍又一遍地做着同样的事情。我尽量保持条理性,但到一天结束时,我的办公桌就会变得一团糟,因为没有一个地方可以摆放所有东西。我寻找一个产品来解决这个问题。我想要的是一个设计美观、简约的组织者。把我所有的必需品都集中到一个中心位置。所以我设计了集合,以确保您需要的工具总是触手可及。在过去的3年里,我做了几十个原型和草图,以兼顾每一个细节。我从用小刀切割粗糙的泡沫模型一直到与工业设计工程师合作,制作3d模型和技术图纸,为大规模生产做好准备。

Your desk, is it organized or just a cluttered mess? Most desk organizers on the market always on either ugly, badly designed or/and cheap-made. Well, our good friend Jeff Sheldon over Ugmonk is introducing Gather. A minimal, modular organizer that cuts clutter and it's amazing. We've been fans of Ugmonk for a long time, we always admire his avant garde entrepreneurship and his care of good design. This time, it's a beautiful and useful product design currently live on Kickstarter, we would like to co
ngratulate Jeff on getting it funded in less than one hour. What a milestone of something that has been in the works for the last 3 years.Behind Gather, we have Ugmonk also known as Jeff Sheldon is the face behind the brand. A designer ba
sed in Downington, USA who has been creating products, moments and stories for the last 7 years.What is Gather? Your browser does not support the video tag.GIF Action Why Gather? (In Jeff's Words)Clutter. You don't want to think a
bout it, but it always creeps in over time, making it impossible to find things when you actually need them. As a designer, I spend most of the day working at my desk and reach for the same things over and over. I try to stay organized, but by the end of the day my desk is a complete, cluttered mess because there's no central place to put everything. I searched for a product to solve this problem, but all I found were ugly, cheaply-made organizers. What I wanted was a beautifully-designed, minimal organizer. Something to gather all of my essentials into one central place. So I designed Gather. Gather adapts to your workspace and workflow to make sure the tools you need are always within reach.Product Shots & Prototypes For the past 3 years, I’ve worked through dozens of prototypes and sketches to dial in every detail. I went from chopping up rough foam models with a pocket knife all the way to working with industrial design engineers to produce 3D-models and technical drawings that are ready for mass manufacturing.More l
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