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2018-09-11 1931 15

Simon Page is a self-taught designer from the UK. This month he started a project called Musically Inspired Album Covers in which he created an amazing series of cd covers inspired by the the music itself. Here you take a look at each cover and find out what music inspired the creation.Besides these awesome covers, Simon has a very extended and creative portfolio that you should definitely check it out.simoncpage.co.ukInspired by Mike Oldfield album PlatinumInspired by BT's album These Hopeful MachinesInspired by Röyksopp’s album Melody A.M.Inspired by Röyksopp’s album JuniorInspired by The Avalanches album Since I Left YouInspired by Jean Michel Jarre's album EquinoxeInspired by Gareth Emery's track MetropolisInspired by Crystal Method's album Divided by the NightInspired by Röyksopp’s album JuniorInspired by Gareth Emery's track MetropolisInspired by Gareth Emery's track MetropolisInspired by Solar Fields album for Mirror's Edge Soundtrack (and in particular the Introduction track)Inspired by Jean Michel Jarre's album ZoolookInspired by BT's track the Light in ThingsInspired by Jean Michel Jarre's album ZoolookInspired by Deadmau5 album Lack of a Better Name inspiration design cover album music