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2018-09-10 2352 0
我想我们大多数人都喜欢渐变。作为一个设计师,我喜欢!如果它在一块漂亮的手表上通过渐变分享时间呢?这是我们今天分享的产品设计,名为:隐形手表。这是一个利用渐变的颜色对比来显示时间的游戏,这是一个非常真实的概念。这感觉就像一种视觉错觉,我认为这是一个很酷的因素。目前在Kickstarter上,这款手表是不分性别的,有三种颜色,分别是玫瑰金、黑色和白色。这是由钟继旺(Jiwoong Jung)在Kickstarter网站上发布的一个设计,他说:“我对如何自然地消磨时间的研究始于自然界中隐藏的方式,这让我想到了一个最著名的例子——变色龙的保护色。”它们的防御机制是一种视觉错觉,但却是一种简单有效的将两种事物自然地叠加在一起的方式。隐藏时间的手表的特点是一个美丽的梯度显示下的水晶覆盖,数字印得很牢固。随着时间的推移,时间梯度盘旋转,“隐藏时间”被揭示。产品设计工业设计设计

I think most of us shared our love for gradients. As a designer, I do! What if it shares the time through a gradient on a beautiful watch?! This is the product design we are sharing today named: the Hidden Time Watch. It’s a play on the colour contrast of the gradient to tell the time, it’s quite a genuine concept. It almost feel like an optical illusion and I think it’s such a cool factor. Currently on Kickstarter, the watch is unisex and comes in three colours including rose gold, black, and white.Published via Kickstarter, this is a design by Jiwoong Jung and according to him: "“My research on how to naturally pass time began with how hiding occurs in nature, which led me to one of the best known examples––the chameleon’s protective color. Their defense mechanism is a kind of optical illusion, but a simple and effective way to have two things together naturally when superimposed".Hidden Time's watch face features a beautiful gradient display under a crystal covering where numbers are firmly printed. As hours pass, the hour gradient disc rotates and “hidden time” is revealed.  product design industrial design design