随着t恤比赛在互联网上的兴起,我开始问自己,是什么让t恤设计变得如此优秀?你会看到很多有趣的想法或者很好的设计图纸,但是t恤设计不应该是两者兼而有之吗?Vincent Bocognani的作品确实回答了我的问题。这个优秀的插画家得到了一个优秀的t恤衫插图,他们不仅做得很好,但真的很有趣,看看。

With all the T-shirt co
ntests happening on the internet, I start asking myself, what makes a T-shirt design really good? I mean, you see a lot of funny ideas or well executed drawings winning, but shouldn't a T-shirt design be both of them? Vincent Bocognani artworks really answer my question. This excellent illustrator got an outstanding body of T-shirt illustrations, they're not o
nly well done, but really funny, check out.Unfortunately, I could not found more than his Flickr, but If you got more information a
bout him, please drop it on the comments.dragon's originbarbapapadelicious!the true storyjudgement daysomewher
e on the planet Hothto be or not to be...original ghost huntermashupda vinci gamewar for the starhard adventureepic chifoumiperso
nal hygieneback to the jurassicand the winner isepic sandy(giant) problem childtragical destinya (very) long time agoda vinci bobomb design illustration inspiration t-shirt tee vintz