我玩《Cinema 4D》已经有一段时间了,但从未深入过。我知道要达到我要展示给你们的图像的水平还需要一段时间,但我会尽我所能让学习过程尽可能有趣。所以在这篇文章中,我从CGSociety中挑选了一些出色的3D角色,CGSociety是关于这个主题最好的网站之一。

One of my new years resolution is to practice and learn more 3D. I've been playing with Cinema 4D for quite some time now but never went into much depth. I know it's going to take some time until I reach the level of the images I'm a
bout show you here, but I'm going to do my best to make the learning process as fun as possible.So in this post I have selec
ted some remarkable 3D rendered characters from the CGSociety, one of the best sites out there on the subject. There are images from guys from all parts of the globe. Click on the images to go to their pages at CGSociety.org for more details a
bout the work. I wanted to get motivated to start my endeavor in this uncharted territory, at least for my brain :) 3d cgsociety character design