任天堂刚刚在大阪和东京开了一家超级可爱的咖啡馆。Kirby Cafe将电子游戏系列的元素融入到他们所做的每一件事中。你会喜欢这个地方的一切。从他们的网站到他们服务的项目到他们的位置,每一个细节都充满了可爱。

All you Nintendo fans out there, here is the excuse you were waiting for to get tickets and pack to Japan. Nintendo just opened a super cute cafe in Osaka and Tokyo. Kirby Café incorporates elements from the video game series into everything they do. So of course you will love everything a
bout this place. From their website to the items they serve to their location, every details is filled with style and cuteness. Check it out!More a
bout Kirby Café:WebsiteFacebook games nintendo inspiration design