日本木工原田和明(Kazuaki Harada)用一个按钮或手柄的曲柄就能让这些异想天开的木制机器人起死回生,这些人物像木偶一样在微型舞台上蹦蹦跳跳。原田是一位多产的设计师,他设计的机械设计既有大的也有小的,从小小的单曲柄小件到画廊和博物馆里巨大的迷宫般的剧场景观。他的许多自动机的乐趣来自于它们的简单,但最近他探索了越来越精细的设备,如点阵打印机和长序列类似于鲁比·戈德堡机器。
With the push of a button or the crank of a handle, these whimsical wooden automata by Japanese woodworker Kazuaki Harada spring to life, with figures that bounce and dance across a miniature stage like puppets. Harada is a prolific designer of mechanical designs fashioned from wood both large and small, from tiny single-crank pieces to giant labyrinthine playscapes in galleries and museums. The delight in many of his automata is derived from their simplicity, but lately he’s explored increasingly elaborate devices like a dot matrix printer and longer sequences akin to a Rube Goldberg machine. Harada shares his latest work on Instagram and you can watch nearly a decade of his completed pieces on his YouTube channel. (via Spoon & Tamago)