布达佩斯的平面设计师芭芭拉·伯纳特(Barbara Bernat)为她在西匈牙利大学(University of West Hungary)攻读硕士学位的项目设计了这个可爱的匈牙利欧元。该项目涉及五种规模不断扩大的面额,每一种都用一套铜版蚀刻画制成:前面的动物越来越大,后面的相关植物也越来越大。这款名为kicker的防盗装置是一项安全功能,可以在紫外线下显示每只动物的骨架,与加拿大新护照没什么区别。

For her MA degree project at the University of West Hungary, Budapest-ba
sed graphic designer Barbara Bernát devised this lovely co
ncept for the Hungarian euro. The project involved five denominations of increasing scale, each made with a set of copperplate etchings; animals of increasing size on the front and related plants on the back. The kicker is a security feature that reveals the skeleton of each animal under UV light, not unlike the new Canadian passport. Regardless of whether this would translate well into actual currency, this is phenomenal way to get hired. Design students take note. (via Kottke)