荷兰设计的三重奏地毯,正如他们的名字一样,Marcia Nolte, Stijn van der Vleuten和Bob Waardenburg创造了地毯,但它们并不是你所想的那种地毯。该组织将传统的图案制作与消费者社会的批判性观点相结合,用蜡笔、烟花、鸡尾酒伞、塑料叉子和干面食等各种物品制作出了不同寻常的地毯。从远处看,我们只是看到了一块装饰性的地毯。但仔细观察,这些精心挑选的密集材料就会发现它们自己。
Exhibition view of “Kneeling: Five years of WE MAKE CARPETS”It’s not hard to imagine what Dutch design trio We Make Carpets, makes. True to their name, Marcia Nolte, Stijn van der Vleuten and Bob Waardenburg create carpets, but not they kind you’re thinking of. Mixing traditional pattern making with a critical view of consumer society, the group creates unusual carpets using everything from crayons and fireworks to cocktail umbrellas, plastic forks and dried pasta. From a distance we simply see a decorative carpet. But upon closer inspection the meticulously assorted collection of dense materials reveal themselves.We Make Carpets is currently celebrating 5 years and 50 different carpets with an exhibition at mu in Eindhoven. “Kneeling: Five years of WE MAKE CARPETSis going on through October 26, 2014. You can see much more of these big and small temporary carpets on the artist’s website.Exhibition view of “Kneeling: Five years of WE MAKE CARPETS”Exhibition view of “Kneeling: Five years of WE MAKE CARPETS”Skewer CarpetSkewer Carpet, detailCrayon Carpet (2013) was built from 16,000 colored crayonsFork Carpet (2010)detail of Fork Carpet (2010)Firework Carpet (2014)Pasta CarpetExhibition view of “Kneeling: Five years of WE MAKE CARPETS”Disposable Carpet