蒂莫西·申克卡(Timothy SchenckA)用黑色圆形纸和竹制风筝做成的所有图片,都与总督岛圣科内留斯教堂内相同设计的白色风筝融为一体,其装置作品名为《日食》(The Eclipse)。由艺术家雅各布•桥本创作的纸球由一段段的绳子悬挂在天花板上,组成了一层一层的形状,看起来像飘动的波浪或云。这是第二次重复的劳动密集型装置,在第57届威尼斯双年展期间在法兰吉尼宫首次展出。桥本在利格特大厅拱廊的小教堂外安装了另外一件名为《永不会来的明天》(Never come Tomorrow)的大型作品。到2018年10月31日,加弗纳斯岛每周七天都可以参观这两处设施。

All images by Timothy SchenckA mass of circular black paper and bamboo kites merges with a collection of identically designed white o
nes inside Governors Island’s St. Cornelius Chapel in an installation titled The Eclipse. Created by artist Jacob Hashimoto (previously), the paper orbs hang from the ceiling by pieces of string to comprise a layered formation that appears like roving waves or clouds. This is the second iteration of the labor-intensive installation, which premiered at the Palazzo Flangini during the 57th Venice Biennale.An additio
nal large-scale work by Hashimoto titled Never Comes Tomorrow, which co
nsists of hundred of wood cubes and colorful steel funnels, is installed outside of the chapel in Liggett Hall Archway. The dual installations can be visited on Governors Island seven days a week through October 31, 2018. You can find specific hours for the installation on the Governors Island website, and see more of Hashimoto’s works on his website. (via Fubiz)