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2018-10-18 1110 0
除了为花瓶设计戏剧性的插花,Joshua Werber使用了一种不同寻常的底物:他的头。这家总部位于布鲁克林的设计师正在进行的系列产品一次只关注一到两种花卉。Werber用花朵的自然形状、颜色和角度创造了可穿戴的雕塑,然后他用不引人注目的自拍照记录下来。

In addition to designing dramatic floral arrangements for vases, Joshua Werber uses an unusual substrate: his head. The Brooklyn-based designer’s ongoing series #FloralTeteATete focuses on just one or two flower types at a time. Using the blossom’s natural shapes, colors, and angles, Werber creates wearable sculptures which he then documents in unassuming selfies.“#FloralTeteATete was initially intended to be a weekly artist’s practice, the goal of which was to motivate myself to create something, even when there is no specific inspiration,Werber tells Colossal. “Just by being in action, the materials at hand begin to dictate the final product and the act of creation itself is inspiring.”Werber has been sharing his weekly creations on Instagram since 2014, but of late has gained quite the following. Recent collaborations include the New York Botanical Garden and Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.