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2018-10-16 1241 0
布鲁克林的家具设计师和雕塑家马蒂亚斯·普里尼斯尼格用蒸汽弯曲的硬木制作了奢华、扭曲的长椅。2006年,当他在威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校学习木船建造技术时,他第一次开发了这一工艺,他可以把空心的木船作为坚固的长凳。他使用Rhinoceros 3d软件来设计他的作品,Pliessnig就把一块木头放入一个装满蒸汽的管子中。十分钟后,木头就可以变形,可以弯曲成他想要的形状,但只有30秒。八小时后,木头完全硬化,恢复到原来的强度。

Brooklyn-based furniture designer and sculptor Matthias Pliessnig creates sumptuous, twisting benches by steam-bending hardwood. He first developed the process in 2006 while studying wooden boat building techniques at the University of Wisconsin-Madison when he realized that by flipping his boat-inspired creations over, he could use the hollow form as a sturdy bench. once he has designed his works using Rhinoceros 3-D software, Pliessnig places a strips of wood into a tube filled with hot steam. After ten minutes the wood is malleable enough to bend into his desired shape, but only for about 30 seconds. In eight hours, the wood is fully hardened, and back to its original strength. You can see more of the designer’s undulating furniture on his Instagram.Photo: Sam Amil