九把办公椅,每把都是耀眼的宝石色调,在高古轩西21街画廊的反光地板上旋转着,飞跑着。PLAY由瑞士艺术家乌尔斯·菲舍尔(Urs Fischer)构思,为纽约艺术家玛德琳·霍兰德(Madeline Hollander)提供的无生命物体进行编排。这种自动推进的家具是通过嵌入在座椅上的程序和传感器来控制的,当它们在广阔的空间中旋转时,这些传感器会使它们远离游客或朝向对方。当表演用的椅子电量不足时,他们会被编程到位于画廊内部的机器上,自动更换他们的座位。游客们可以穿过一群功能齐全的椅子,在它们聚集在一起、同步转动或分散移动时观察它们。

Nine office chairs, each in a dazzling jewel tone, swirl and scuttle across the reflective floor of Gagosian‘s West 21st Street gallery. PLAY was co
nceived by Swiss artist Urs Fischer (previously) with choreography for the inanimate objects provided by New York City-ba
sed artist Madeline Hollander. The self-propelled furniture is co
ntrolled by programming and sensors embedded in their seats which moves them away from visitors or towards each other while swirling through the extensive space. When the performative chairs are running low on battery, they are programmed to head to a machine located inside the gallery that automatically replaces their seats.Visitors may walk through the herd of functio
nal chairs, observing the pieces as they group together, move in synchro
nized turns, or scatter. You can interact with the objects yourself during PLAY’s run at Gagosian through October 13, 2018. (via Artsy)View this post on InstagramA post shared by Gagosian (@gagosian) on Sep 6, 2018 at 3:05pm PDTView this post on InstagramA post shared by ARTnews (@artnewsmag) on Sep 7, 2018 at 9:48am PDTView this post on InstagramA post shared by Julie Tuyet Curtiss (@julietuyetcurtiss) on Sep 7, 2018 at 9:38am PDT