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2018-10-25 1798 9
艺术家Rae Swon最近在纽约地铁上把一个来自圣安东尼诱惑的奇幻生物带到了现实中。16世纪早期,希罗宁姆斯·博世创作了这幅三联画,左边的三联画上有一个小而奇怪的人物。这个角色有鸟一样的面部特征,戴着看起来像溜冰鞋的帽子和一个漏斗一样的鼻子。在用针刺毡和其他发现的材料制作出现代服装后,Swon带着她的角色乘坐地铁穿过曼哈顿。

Artist Rae Swon recently brought a fantastical creature from The Temptation of St. Anthony to life on the New York City subway. The triptych painting created by Hieronymus Bosch in the early 16th century includes a small, peculiar figure on the left-hand triptych (detail below). The character has bird-like facial features, and is wearing what appear to be ice skates and a funnel as a hat. After creating the modern-day costume using needle felting and other found materials, Swon took her character for a subway ride through Manhattan. Although this particular costume is sold out, you can see more of Swon’s fantastical felted creations like a Starling Coin Purse and an Opposum Purse on Instagram and Etsy. (via Hyperallergic)Detail of Hieronymus Bosch’s “The Temptation of St. Anthony”Hieronymus Bosch’s “The Temptation of St. Anthony”