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Ben Zank的搞笑超现实摄影

2018-10-23 2714 0
来自布鲁克林的摄影师本·扎克(Ben Zank)对这种不寻常的事物很有眼光。奇怪的并列以及生活本身不断的挣扎,都通过他的超现实摄影表达出来。Zank经常把人物(其中一些是自画像)描绘成身体上被模糊的面孔所困扰,或者背对着镜头,似乎在经历个人冲突的阵痛。然而,尽管每张照片都充满了逆境,幽默的元素似乎总是不断出现。每一次拍摄,他都设想了一些荒谬的困境,让我们忍俊不禁,不禁莞尔。有时,他会提醒我们退后一步,对这一切的荒谬一笑置之。

Brooklyn-based photographer Ben Zank has an eye for the unusual. Strange juxtapositions, awkward inconveniences, and often the ongoing struggle of life itself are all expressed through his surreal photography. Zank often portrays figures (some of which are self-portraits) as physically encumbered with faces obscured or turned away from the camera, seemingly in the throes of personal conflict. Yet despite the adversity in each photo, the element of humor seems constantly present. It’s hard not to laugh and smile at the absurd predicaments he conceives of for each shot, reminding us all to take a step back sometimes and just laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.Zank shares his work almost exclusively through Instagram and prints of some photos are available through Opium Gallery.