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Toshiya Masuda设计的像素化陶瓷物体

2018-10-22 1911 0
日本艺术家Toshiya Masuda用黏土制作出像素化的物体,将网球鞋、煎蛋和棒球拼接在一起,看起来就像是直接从视频游戏中拉出来的。增田将作品设计成数字化的形式,为计算机或电视图像提供了一种物理质量。陶瓷和数字化物品的结合让艺术家模糊了真实与虚拟之间的界限,这在我们这个时代越来越普遍。

Japanese artist Toshiya Masuda builds pixelated objects out of clay, piecing together sculptural tennis shoes, fried eggs, and baseballs that look as if they have been pulled directly from a video game. By designing his works to appear digital, Masuda provides a physical quality to computer or television-based images. The combination of ceramics and digitized objects allows the artist to blur the line between what is real and virtual, an increasingly common experience in our present age. You can learn more about his studio practice in the video by Keiko Art International below. (via Kottke)