陶艺家和数学家盖伊·范·莱姆普特通过在气球表面绘制联锁线、异常形状的圆圈和其他图案来形成有质感的碗。艺术家首先在他的橡胶模子底部加盖一枚瓷邮票,然后以圆周运动向上移动。虽然他的设计受到几何启发,但他的每一件作品都是基于直觉,而不是预先确定的模板。当完成时,这些罐子都是半透明的,看起来像是用纸做成的。这种美感,在作品中都有体现。从2014年开始,色彩和技巧就成为他实践的一部分。目前,Van Leemput’的作品被收录在位于德国麦森市阿尔布雷希茨堡城堡的陶瓷双年展中。该展览于本月初开幕,将持续到2018年11月4日。在为荷兰陶瓷杂志de kleine K制作的视频中,你可以看到艺术家工作室和手工窑的内部。(艺术是一种方式)

Ceramicist and mathematician Guy Van Leemput forms textured bowls by drafting interlocking lines, abnormally shaped circles, and other designs on the surface of balloons. The artist begins by adding a porcelain stamp to the bottom of his rubber mold and then working his way in a circular motion upward. Although his designs are geometrically inspired, he creates each piece ba
sed on intuition rather than a pre-determined template. When finished, the pots are so translucent they appear as if they were formed from paper. This aesthetic, both in the works’ color and technique, was inspired by ancient Italian fresco paintings, and has been a part of his practice since 2014.Currently Van Leemput’s work is included in the Porcelain Biennale at the Albrechtsburg Castle in Meissen, Germany, the city wher
e European porcelain was first composed. The exhibition opened earlier this mo
nth and runs through November 4, 2018. You can take a look inside the artist’s studio and handbuilt kiln in a video made for the Dutch ceramics magazine de kleine K below. (via Art is a Way)