所有图片由英国艺术家奥利维亚·坎普(Olivia KempBritish artist Olivia Kemp)提供,她用摄影、观察素描和她自己对所访问目的地的记忆绘制了大量的真实世界风景水墨画。她最近的两件作品总共花了9个月的时间完成,是从马耳他和巴伐利亚的旅行中挑选出来的。坎特伯雷的作品灵感来自巴伐利亚的城堡,它由塔、悬崖和蜿蜒的铁路线组成,通过一系列桥梁和隧道将城市连接起来。在她最近的另一篇文章中,她更关注的是该地区的植物生命。

All images courtesy of Olivia KempBritish artist Olivia Kemp (previously) creates sprawling, large-scale ink drawings of real world landscapes that are built from photography, observatio
nal sketches, and her own memories of the visited destinations. Her two most recent works took a combined nine mo
nths to complete, and are pulled from her travels to Malta and Bavaria. Kemp’s drawing “Ascending The High Passis inspired by Bavaria’s castles, and is composed of towers, cliffs, and a winding train line that co
nnects the city through a series of bridges and tunnels.For her other recent piece, she focused more on the plant life of the location. “Unlike with the castles drawing, ‘Melita, Maleth’ was very much a respo
nse to selecting a random location and spending time there getting to know it,Kemp tells Colossal. “I was interested in going to Malta, but didn’t have any particular drawing or architectural style or composition in mind before I went. I loved the variation of plant life on the island, and felt really stro
ngly that the drawing needed to have a full and rich foreground, including all the flora that had most interested me.”Kemp will often create smaller drawing studies while on location, which she will then incorporate into her larger works. Both “Ascending The High Passand “Melita, Malethwill be included in the group exhibition Early Modern Matters which opens on September 6 at James Freeman Gallery in Lo
ndon and closes September 29, 2018. You can see more of the artist’s work on Instagram and Twitter.“Melita, Malethin process“Melita, Maleth”“Melita, Malethin process“Melita, Malethwith reference drawings“Melita, Malethin processDetail of “Ascending The High Pass”“Ascending The High Passin process“Ascending The High Pass”“Ascending The High Passin processOlivia drawing “Ascending The High Pass”